Sunday, May 9, 2010

Little Miss Homemaker

BCBG dress, Apron by Elisharon

They say strangers are friends you have yet to meet. Well, that couldn't be more true. Ever find certain bloggers particularly sweet? And if it weren't for the geographical location, you know she/he would make a great friend? I say hallelujah to the internet and to fashion, for bringing people from all over the world together.

I received this beautiful package from the very sweet Sharon of Elisharon recently and was delighted to find delicious Hawaiian treats and a handmade apron! I was really touched by the lace details and her thoughtfulness. Although wearing a pretty apron doesn't instantly make me a good cook, I'm inspired to have another go at cooking! Thank again Sharon :)

---> Vancouver Style & Shopping -Read my article in Issue #7 of the Style Sample Magazine - Pg 16!



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