Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lady Gaga - Halloween 09

BCBG Fall 08 runway dress
Roberto Vianni peeptoe booties
Aldo & BCBG accessories
Wig & hair bow from Ebay
DIY Scarf, Sunglasses & Disco Stick --->See DIY How-to post

Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween!! I'm so sad it’s over :( It seems like every year, the build-up in anticipation for Halloween... making a costume etc is so long. Then, it's over before you know it! It's only one day after all.

Dressing up as Lady Gaga was So much fun. It's definitely my favorite costume yet. From making the the sunglasses and disco stick a month ago to last minute sewing up a scarf from random Christmas fabric, I'm glad it turned out alright! You can't be Lady G without the camera flashing constantly in your face... so J went as a TMZ paparazzo! I realized I've never posted a pic of the man behind the camera. Here's J in his paparazzo get-up with his assistant aka spidey-dog:

J and I went to a house party with a few friends. It was a friend's brother's friend's place so we didn't know anyone at all. The house had amazing decorations, I was impressed! The creepiest was the ghost in the fireplace (they set a tv behind the couch running a video of a ghost and the reflection appears in the fireplace). Good times :)

What did everyone do for Halloween this year?

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