Thursday, January 14, 2010

Last time I cooked, hardly anyone got sick

Not really an outfit post today... as I'm wearing a sweater from high school. Slightly shrunken.. but who cares, I'm at home :)

So I'm not much of a cook. Heck, I can hardly boil an egg! This week I started a challenge for myself to actually find recipes and cook decent meals. (Partly inspired by the movie Julie & Julia and partly because I wanted to use our new kitchen utensils) I looked to Martha Stewart for some recipes and tried making the stuffed chicken with sundried tomatoes. Without realizing that you're not supposed to season the top of the chicken with basil... I was greeted by smoke when checking the oven... there goes the fire alarm... $#%@^&!$#... and it was chaos in my tiny kitchen. Yes, I had to scrape some a lot of burnt black bits off the finished product, but it was edible! Serving it on a black plate also helped camouflage it a bit ;) J & I enjoyed a dinner for two on a quiet evening... just how I like it!

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